
Regular Dental Health Services

Dr Terry Gomez Recommends Regular Dental Health Services

Do you know that gum disease affects plenty of people because they don’t obtain dental health services on a regular basis? A lot of people only see a dentist when their oral problem has gone worse, and truly, that is the only time they see the dental professional.

“It would be good to know the two categories of gum diseases so you will know which type is already affecting you. This will also alert you to locate the nearest family dental center in Albuquerque for emergency dental care whenever you are troubled with gum issues like these. Furthermore, you will be able to save yourself from more damage and avoid losing your precious teeth”, clarifies Dr Terry Gomez, DDS, an emergency dental care Albuquerque professional.

Gingivitis is considered a non-destructive type of gum disorder that manifests as tender, swollen or reddish gums and bleeding during tooth brushing. Gingivitis can also bring bad breath to the person. However, this is easy to solve by practicing good oral hygiene.

“When you notice that you have these symptoms, you should take extra effort to have an improved oral hygiene until such time that you can get treated at an emergency dental care Albuquerque center. In addition, improving your brushing routine and flossing after meals are vital in managing the presence of gingivitis and avoiding infections”, explains Dr Terry Gomez, DDS.

The other type of gum disease is called periodontitis and more severe than the former. This happens when gingivitis has been neglected, leading to the infection of the periodontium, the tissues which surround and support a tooth.

“Once a person starts to feel pain in the mouth, the periodontitis has already advanced. There is also a noticeable bone loss between teeth, so there will be visible pockets between the teeth and gums, allowing more space for bacteria to lodge. As bacterial population gets higher, infection can spread to the jawbone. Once more, additional teeth can be lost, and there will also be a slew of new problems to expect in susceptible individuals, such as heart problems”, tells cosmetic dentist in Albuquerque, Dr Terry, DDS.

Thus, to understand the difference between the two gum disorders, look at the comparison below:

Gingivitis – Occurs before periodontitis and will progress to periodontitis if untreated. This is due to poor oral hygiene.

Periodontitis – This is the condition where the gum and bone pulls away from the teeth, forming huge pockets for bacteria and debris to fill in. The surrounding tissues can break down, get damaged, so tooth will have no support and can fall out.

How is periodontitis diagnosed? When you suspect that you need periodontal disease treatment, the dentist can examine the mouth with a periodontal probe. Once the probe reaches far deeply into the gum line, it means that huge pockets have formed and the gums have receded. This is usually a situation which needs emergency dental care, but periodontitis is considered chronic or a long-term type of inflammatory disease. This requires regular teeth cleaning, scaling and debridement.

If you are not sure on what to do with pain in the mouth, please get in touch with Dr Terry Gomez, DDS for periodontal disease treatment at 505-296-5200. Please visit https://terrygomezdds.com.

At home teeth whitening vs professional teeth whitening

Have you ever thought about whitening your teeth? You’re not alone. Teeth whitening is the No. 1 requested cosmetic service today and its popularity continues to soar, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. 

Many people often ask the difference between over the counter whitening kits and a professional whitening done at the dentist’s office. While it is possible to brighten your smile with both, there are some big advantages to seeing a professional. The below article gives you the top 5 reasons you should whiten your smile at the dentist office.

  1. Consistent results: Whitening your smile requires a careful application of bleaching gel to your teeth. With a do-it-yourself home kit you run the risk of an uneven application causing blotchy results. With a professional teeth whitening, you get an even application, giving you bright results for your whole smile.
  2. An incorrect application can damage tooth enamel: Glycerin in whitening gel can damage your tooth enamel if not applied correctly. A damaged tooth enamel affect the appearance of your smile.
  3. Professional whitening gets better results faster: With a whitening at the dentist office, you get results quickly in one day. Do-it-yourself kits have a lower concentration of bleaching agents which take multiple applications to whiten your smile.
  4. Safer for sensitive teeth: Whitening at the dentist office is safe for sensitive teeth. Improper use of at-home kits can increase teeth sensitivity.
  5. Results are longer lasting: Having your teeth whitened at the dentist office ensures that your smile stays brighter longer.

Whitening is a great way to dramatically improve the look of your smile and it is relatively inexpensive compared to other cosmetic procedures. Talk to your dentist about whitening options and costs. There are several over-the-counter remedies that work, but none is better than the whitening achieved in the dentist’s office.

The Terry Gomez Dental Office offers professional teeth whitening to help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. What to find out if teeth whitening is right for you? Give us a call at 505-296-5200 to setup a consultation. Terry Gomez DDS is conveniently located in Albuquerque, NM.

3 Simple Steps to Treating Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common condition that affects almost half of all Americans 30 years and older. Gum disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and supporting bone. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. Gum disease doesn’t always affect your whole mouth. It can in many cases affect only one tooth or a small area of your gum line.

To determine if you have gum disease, each tooth must be examined above and below the gum line by a dental professional. More teeth are lost because of gum disease than tooth decay, so it is very important to diagnose gum disease early and begin an effective treatment.

Most people don’t know they have gum disease because it’s painless. The first stage, called gingivitis, is easily reversed by cleaning and brushing the teeth thoroughly every day. If gingivitis progresses, the supporting bone that holds your teeth in place wears away, making the teeth loose. Infections then occur in these pockets which leads to more bone loss and eventually tooth loss.

If you think your might have gum disease here are the next steps you should take.

  • Go see a dentist. A dentist will measure the pockets in your gums to determine whether you need a deep cleaning. In the early stages, the dentist might recommend just a routine cleaning and polish. If the gum disease has progressed the dentist might recommend scaling and root planing.
  • Create a schedule with your dentist, making a plan for frequent cleanings. Frequent cleanings prevent plaque and bacteria buildup, which leads to gum disease.
  • Step up efforts to have a good oral hygiene. Brushing, flossing, water picking and oral rinsing can dramatically prevent the spread of gum disease. Getting into a routine of brushing and flossing after every meal could save your smile.
  • Want to learn more about treating gum disease? Come visit us at our Albuquerque office. Our staff will gently care for your teeth and gums and setup a plan to keep your mouth healthy. Having a healthy smile is painless when you visit the Terry Gomez Dental office.

5 reason why dental seals are a smart investment:

Dental sealants are a plastic coating that protect teeth from dental decay. Typically applied to the back molars, sealants form a protective shield, thereby sealing out plaque and food. Children should get seals on their permanent teeth as soon as the molars and premolars come in. In some cases even baby teeth can be considered for sealants because they hold the correct spacing for permanent teeth. Sealants are not just for children and teens though. Adults with health molars with no filling can also benefit from sealants.

Here are 5 reason why dental seals are a smart investment:

  1. Sealants prevent cavities, which can cost much more in the long run.
  2. The process of applying sealants is simple and painless.
  3. They protect teeth from decay for up to ten years.
  4. They simplify oral hygiene, protecting the cracks and crannies from decay.
  5. They are inexpensive and many insurance companies cover the cost.

The next time you are at the dentist office for your regular cleaning, ask if sealants are right for you or your child. The Terry Gomez DDS dental office has a lot simple techniques for protecting your family’s smile. Our service is friendly, gentle and always focused on creating a wonderful dental experience for you and your family. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to make your smile look its shinny best.

Terry Gomez DDS is a family dentist in Albuquerque, NM specializing in friendly, gentle smile care. Our full-service dental office helps clients with everything from teeth whitening to dental implants. Come experience what makes our office so unique, and let us take care of your smile. We accept most insurance providers.